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Basic Kubernetes (k8s) Tutorial

In this tutorial, you will be introduced to basic k8s commands, how to launch simple pods and deployments, as well as interact with the cluster to query its status and the status of your processes running in the cluster. You will also see your first example of a YAML file.

❓ Throughout these tutorials, you may see a red ❓ mark. This is an opportunity for you to pause and reflect, or answer a quick self-assessment that can lead to deeper understanding of the materials.

❗ You may also see the ❗ mark followed by tips or important pieces of information that can assist you or be important things to remember while using Nautilus.


This section assumes you've completed the quickstart section.

Learning Objectives

  1. You will understand the basic format of k8s commands.
  2. You will be able to use k8s commands to interact with the cluster.
  3. You will have a basic understanding of YAML and you will be able to use that to create a simple pod.
  4. You will have an understanding of the difference between an pod and a deployment.
  5. You will have a basic understanding of the "stateless" nature of a pod and how deployments can be used to specify an ideal state for your pods or software containers (running inside your pods).

❗ Setting your namespace

Since you only have permissions to run in namespaces of which you are a member, you must specify your namespace. For the purposes of this tutorial, it is recommended that you set your namespace globally with this command:

kubectl config set-context nautilus --namespace=<the_namespace>

Some users may operate concurrently across several namespaces, and k8s allows you to specify which in each kubectl command by adding -n <a_namespace>, regardless of whether you have set your context as above. Most users save the keystrokes by setting the context for themselves and deviate only when necessary, rather than specifying each time.

Explore the system

Now that you understand how to set your namespace, let's begin to explore the system.

List cluster nodes

The Nautilus Cluster is widely geographically distributed and highly heterogenous. You can get a sense of the types of nodes in the system by typing:

kubectl get nodes
Please note: You likely won't have access to all the nodes listed, as some are reserved.

List processes running in your namespace

There are three categories of processes we will examine: - pods - deployments - services

Listing the categories running in k8s follows a similar format.

kubectl get <category>

Right now you probably don't have anything running in the namespace, and these commands will return No resources found in ... <namespace>. but you will revisit these commands as we step through the tutorials as a way of checking on status.

List pods

List all the pods in your namespace

kubectl get pods

List deployments

List all the deployments in your namespace

kubectl get deployments

List services

List all the services in your namespace

kubectl get services

Setup your first pod with YAML

Let’s create a simple generic pod, and then login into it.

### A simple YAML file

Create the pod1.yaml file with the following contents by copy-pasting:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: test-pod
  - name: mypod
    image: ubuntu
        memory: 100Mi
        cpu: 100m
        memory: 100Mi
        cpu: 100m
    command: ["sh", "-c", "echo 'Im a new pod' && sleep infinity"]
Reminder: Indentation is important in YAML, just like in Python

❗ A simple way to create a file un Unix

There are many ways to create a file and put data into it in Unix. One of the easiest ways is to redirect the standard input with the following command:

cat > <name_of_new_file>

You can then paste any copied text or type directly into the command line interface. Once you are done, you can control-c out of the input stream. This will do the job without leaving the command line interface. Try it by copying the pod1.yaml sample above, and then pasting it into a new file using the Unix cat command.

Creating YAML files dynamically

Alternatively, if you don't want to create a file and are using Unix-like system, you can create YAML files dynamically like this:

kubectl create -f - << EOF
<contents you want to deploy>

Launch a simple pod

Making sure you are in the same file directory as your pod1.yaml file, type the following command:

kubectl create -f pod1.yaml

After a few moments (as the pod is creating itself), see if you can find it:

kubectl get pods

Please Note: You may see the other pods too.

If it is not yet in Running state, you can check what is going on with a list of the events in your namespace:

kubectl get events --sort-by=.metadata.creationTimestamp

Events and other useful information about the pod can be seen in describe:

kubectl describe pod test-pod
❓ Where did the name test-pod come from? Examine the pod1.yaml file to find the answer.

If the pod is in Running state, we can check it's logs

kubectl logs test-pod

Let’s log into it

kubectl exec -it test-pod -- /bin/bash
❗ There's a relationship between the operating system and the command line interpreter

The last part of this command, specifying bash can change, depending on the operating system we choose. Keep this in mind when you deploy operating systems other than Ubuntu.

❓ Did you manage to log into your pod?

If yes, you are now inside the (container in the) pod!

❓ Does it feel any different than a regular, dedicated node?

Try to create some directories and some files with content (using the cat command, if you like). "Hello world" will do, but feel free to be creative.

Let's examine the pod's networking

Networking inside a Kubernetes pod is crucial for facilitating communication between containers within the same pod and enabling connectivity with other pods, as well as external services. Understanding how networking works inside a pod is essential for building and deploying applications effectively in a Kubernetes environment. So, let's examine how the network is configured inside our simple pod by logging into it.

❓ Do we have the necessary tools to examine the network installed in our pod?

Remember that pods running inside k8s are "stateless" and since we didn't specify any software packages to be included in our simple pod example when we launched it, we have some work to do before we can look at the network.

The package ifconfig is not included in our initial pod; so let’s install it.

First, let's make sure our installation tools are updated.

apt update
Now, we can use apt to install the necessary network tools.

apt install net-tools
Now check the networking:

ifconfig -a
❓ What did you discover? Does the output look like you'd expect?

Finally, let's exit out of the pod and move on by entering the exit command in the command line interface of the pod, or using the keyboard shortcut 'Control-D'.

Testing statelessness

To demonstrate that pods really are stateless, we are going to shutdown our simple pod, and repeat the creation of our simple pod, then take a look at it again.

Shutdown the originall

Let's manually shut down the pod using kubectl

kubectl delete -f pod1.yaml

This may take a moment, as the system will remove the pod gracefully. After a few moments, check that it is actually gone:

kubectl get pods

❓ Is it gone?

If yes, let’s create it again:

kubectl create -f pod1.yaml
❗ Accessing prior commands from the CLI

Most command line interfaces store the most recent commands you have entered. You can access them easily by using your keyboard's "up arrow" which is a quick and easy way to repeat commands.

Looking at Pod1.yaml (again)

Give the system a moment to create the new pod.

❓ Does it have the same IP? We can check by using the following command:

kubectl get pod -o wide test-pod

Log back into the pod:

kubectl exec -it test-pod -- /bin/bash

❓ What does the network look like now?

Now, let's look for the files you created with the cat command. Are they where you left them? What is the status of the files your created?

❓ How does this exercise demonstrate "statelessness" and what are the implications for how I prepare for the inevitable and normal restarting of a pod?

Cleaning up

Since Nautilus is a shared platform and a community resource, it's very important that we don't leave any stray processes running. So, everytime we're finished using a pod, we should make sure to clean up after ourselves.

So, let’s delete explicitly the pod, using the following command:

kubectl delete pod test-pod

Let’s transform our pod into a deployment

You saw that when a pod was terminated, it was gone. While above we did it by ourselves, the result would have been the same if a node died or was restarted. This is normal and expected in a k8s cluster, and is actually a great feature of Kubernetes: it is highly resilient. Kubernetes constantly monitors the health of pods and containers. In the event of a failure or unresponsiveness, Kubernetes automatically restarts containers or entire pods to maintain the desired state specified by the user.

In order to specify to the cluster your "desired state", the use of Deployments is recommended.

You can copy-and-paste the lines below into a new file on your local system (using the cat command, if you like).

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: test-dep
    k8s-app: test-dep
  replicas: 1
      k8s-app: test-dep
        k8s-app: test-dep
      - name: mypod
        image: ubuntu
             memory: 500Mi
             cpu: 500m
             memory: 100Mi
             cpu: 50m
        command: ["sh", "-c", "sleep infinity"]

Now let’s start the deployment:

kubectl create -f dep1.yaml

See if you can find it:

kubectl get deployments

❗ The Deployment is just a conceptual service, though.

It describes to the cluster the ideal state of your pods. It doesn't actually do more than that. In this case, the ideal state is a single replica of the container called "mypod".

See if you can find the associated pod:

kubectl get pods

Once you have found the name assigned to it by the cluster, let’s log into it.

kubectl get pod -o wide test-dep-<hash>
kubectl exec -it test-dep-<hash> -- /bin/bash

You are now inside the (container in the) pod!

Testing statelessness with deployments

Create directories and files as before.

Try various commands as before.

Let’s now delete the pod!

kubectl delete pod test-dep-<hash>

Is it really gone?

kubectl get pods

What happened to the deployment?

kubectl get deployments

Get into the new pod

kubectl get pod -o wide test-dep-<hash>
kubectl exec -it test-dep-<hash> -- /bin/bash

❓ Was anything preserved? ❓ How might you make sure the settings, software packages, and data you need in your pod is preserved?

❗ Using the right image helps with reliability and resiliency.

Ensuring that the software container you are deploying has all the necessary elements to function involves creating a well-packaged and self-contained container image. Unlike the simple examples above, you can make a robust and reliable deployment by specifying an appropriate base image, and including any system libraries, and any language-specific runtime or dependencies in your software container.

❓ Examining the dep1.yaml example above, what would you change to specify a different image? Keep that in mind as we progress through the tutorials. If you are curious and want to read ahead, we cover that topic in the section called "Images".

Let’s now delete the deployment:

kubectl delete -f dep1.yaml

Verify everything is gone:

kubectl get deployments
kubectl get pods

The end